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VHF/UHF/Microwave Antennas


In no other part of the radio spectrum is mediocre performance more noticeable. Propagation enhancements and sun spot activity can’t hide the poorly designed antenna. M2 antennas heritage is to achieve the ultimate in performance. Earth-Moon-Earth (EME) or moon bounce is the real challenge and you can’t fake it. Our first designs were for moonbounce. The 200+ dB path loss to the moon and back doesn’t leave much room for compromise antennas. So in the design stage, each antenna is squeezed and massaged and with talented fingers guiding the computer, world class antennas emerge. Every last tenth of a dB is sweated out and the final first cut emerges. Off the to the Solidworks department it goes for fabrication drawings. A prototype is built, assembled and tested, usually by the designer(s). Who else to spot a flaw or a compromise, electrical or mechanical. VSWR, gain, bandwidth, design variation from the computer analysis all are tested and checked carefully and occasionally another design attempt is required to produce another masterpiece. All this goes into the M2 antenna you choose. Read the specs carefully and remember gain is mainly a function of boom length. It may be possible an M2 competitor has produced a half size antenna with the same gain as the much longer M2 model. NOT LIKELY. In fact absolutely NOT. It is not going to happen.
