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Posted on 14th Jul 2021
With the rapid expansion of FT8 and other digital mode activity on 6M moving higher in the band, some customers are experiencing higher than optimum VSWR in the 50.300 MHz range. We are offering some adjustments to the 6M7JHV to accommodate this frequency shift for existing customers. To move the resonance higher in frequency, cut each element half using the dimensions below. The reflector remains unchanged since it increases the F/B ratio over the original design. No changes to the spacing are required.
This document applies to the 6M7JHV only, not the 6M7JHV-HD or 6M7.
Two different shorting bar settings have been documented. One has a deeper null around 50.330 MHz but sacrifices the VSWR below 50.100 MHz. The second setting is a bit more flat with a 1.4:1 VSWR at 50.100 MHz You can adjust the shorting bar position outside of the published settings to tweak the VSWR curve to fit your operating preference and to compensate for site specific interactions
Shorting bar position. Measured outside of DE block to inside of shorting bar.
11.375" - Optimized for FT8, 1.5:1 @ 50.100 MHz.
10.4375" - Broadband. 1.6:1 @ 50.000 MHz, 1.7:1 @ 50.500 MHz.
R | 57.625" | NO CHANGE |
DE | 57.25" | 56.25" |
D1 | 54.125" | 53.875" |
D2 | 53.188" | 52.875" |
D3 | 52.562" | 52.313" |
D4 | 51.25" | 51.0" |
D5 | 50.688" | 50.5" |
These quick tests can be performed with a multi-meter only if you are experiencing issues.Disconnect one end of each loop.Zero your multi-meter or note the error when the leads or shorted.Measure from the center pin of the connector to the studs.You should have no more than 0.1 ohms to two studs on one side.Measure from the shield of the connector [...]
M2 Antenna Systems, Inc with headquarters and manufacturing facilities located in Fresno California, Announces the Release of our L & C Band Circular Dish Feed Model FGFD-2-LC-CC-1. The M2 Antenna Systems, Inc. FGFD-2-LC-CC-1, Dual-Band feed is designed for either Prime-Focus or Compact Cassegrain configured reflectors. The Dual-Circular L-Band section can support power levels in excess of [...]
Reviewed by Bob Allison, WB1GCMAssistant Laboratory The time had come to replace my three-element Yagi antenna for 6 meters. It was a homebrew affair, built during the remarkable solar peak of the late 1950s. The Alliance U-100 rotator that turned it was nearly asold and erratic. My wife, Kathy, KA1RWY, had bought the Yagi back in the 1980s for $20. The used [...]
Some TIPS on measuring VSWR and troubleshooting M2 Antennas and other commercially available HF antennas. In most cases these concepts are handy for VHF and UHF antennas as well.1.If you are testing an antenna for the first time after assembling it from scratch or have refurbished a used antenna, it never hurts to use your Ohm meter and test for good continuity across [...]
Antenna gain is measured in either dBi or dBd.It is important to note that antenna gain is different than amplifier gain. Antennas do not have a power source that allows the antenna to create additional energy to boost the signal. An antenna is similar to a reflective lens in principle - it takes the energy [...]
We frequently receive inquiries if our OR2800PX, AZIMUTH MOTOR rotor will fit in Brand-X tower. The manual lists a few towers that have no issues. Here are a couple more:1. A round plate model will fit inside Rohn 25G, but the mast clamp bolts need to be cut down or the diagonal braces bowed out slightly [...]
Have you purchased a new M2 or KLM triband upgrade? Below are some common questions and answers to the assembly or refurbishment of these solid performing antennas.COMMON ANSWERS TO COMMON QUESTIONSQUESTION: When measuring tube or shorting bar position, “where do I measure from, inside to inside or outside to outside?ANSWER: Refer to your individual element dimension [...]
A half wave dipole on an 80m is about 130 feet or 40 meters long. Most of us humans think an element that long is difficult to build an rotate much less keep up in the air reliably even for a single winter. So what size would be worthy to try? Something 75 to 100 feet might [...]
Republished with permission from November 2015 QST ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio® www.arrl.orgReviewed by Jeff Klein, K1TEOwa2teo@aol.comAbout 5 years ago, M2 Antenna Systems introduced a high power solid state amplifier for 6 meters (model 6M-1000) capable of a full kilowatt of output. It was lightweight and small, making it usable both at home and for portable operations. Later they came out with [...]